Welcome to my site!
Come on in!
Hello there! Do come on in!
Don’t mind the mess; I’m still unpacking and decorating the place! I’d offer coffee, but I can’t find my coffee pot at the moment!
I want this site to be a place where I can share stuff I’m working on, teach others, maybe share some stuff I enjoy as well. It’s gonna take a while as everything gets put together so it’ll be a bit messy for a bit.
Here’s some posts you can expect to see (in no particular order):
- Linux related posts, ranging from tutorials to best practices
- OpenBSD related posts, same as above
- Plan 9/9front related posts, which may make one ask questions :P
- Electronics posts
- Cats
- Photography
- Fighting for human rights
- Okay, this list is getting kinda long
- Generally anything that strikes my fancy
Essentially, this is a blog, so whatever I feel like sharing or posting that may be too long for Twitter will go here.
For now, you can still see my Twitter posts here.
Hope to see everyone soon, and remember: